Supernatural Invasion is an intense Supernatural Training with fresh revelation and impartation with Pastors Arguez, and other keynote speakers, involving the entire Body of Christ of a given city, region or nation. Through our Supernatural Invasion, Evangelist Andy imparts more in depth teaching and training in the areas of Evangelism that are normally not taught or demonstrated in the Body of Christ. Supernatural Invasions include training Church through a Church Doctor plan, activating the Spirit of Evangelism, training on Pastoral Care, and mobilizing the Church to invade their city with the love and power of Christ.Supernatural Invasion was created for believers who are hungry for the Supernatural Power of God, those who want to go into a new dimension in the Supernatural, and to help the Body of Christ be mobilized into their city.
About Arguez Ministries
Pastors Andy & Rebecca Arguez have trained thousands of evangelists in supernatural evangelism in over 30 nations. Together they help build and edify churches in the areas that are weak and need empowerment for quality and quantity growth.